Tuesday, November 02, 2010

I haven't dropped off the face of the Blogosphere.. I swear

So I will admit it, it has been a while since I have been active in the world of blogging.
It seems as though I have dropped off the face of the Blogosphere, if you will.
Truth be told, life has been hectic at the moment.
Work, work, work, sleep, Baked Goods, and, just for a change, work.
But this is the month.
I completely intend to make a post a day for the entirety of this month.
(Yes, I realise the I have already dropped the ball on that one in that I didn’t post yesterday, but I shall make two today to make up for it.)

Oh the stories I can tell you of the things that have occurred over the past few weeks.
Children, mothers, lovers, food, wine, beer..
The list goes on and I really have no idea where to start.

As you all know we have an addition to our family in the form of a white, fluffy, smartarse of a lap dog.
The transformation I have seen in him since we first brought our bundle of joy home from foster care is just astounding.
He has metaphorically, and due to a hair cut a few weeks ago literally, come out of his shell. He is now a completely different dog. In fact, he is a little shit.
For weeks and weeks and tried to have him sleeping in the laundry.
What a heart wrenching exercise of will THAT was.
All hours of the night he would bark and cry and whine and scratch, all the while this Cupcake and her Muffin would be laying in bed, wide eyed, pleading with him to just go to sleep.
He didn’t.
He continued to cry and even after many different people told us 'That it will get better in time, he will realise that crying wont get him anywhere'
It didn’t.
Early one morning, after getting very little sleep, black rings gracing my bloodshot eyes, I dragged myself out of bed, put him outside for a wizzy then proceeded to collapse back into bed after letting him back in.
I forgot to put the little bastard back in the laundry.
Eyes drifted closed and I slipped into the bliss of uninterrupted sleep.
Muffin slept in the latest he has ever done so and when he thought it time for me to awaken, he tapped me on the shoulder and said 'Guess where the dog has been sleeping all morning'
He pointed down his side of the bed where the most adorable ball of fluff to grace this earth was curled up in a ball against the window, sleeping happily.
He had picked where he would be sleeping from now on.
Needless to say, the only thing we have to contest with is my snoring..
Not that I snore at all..

Mmmm pizza..

Engagement parties have me exhausted. As mentioned earlier we are having two (because one is just never enough). I have some AMAZING people helping me out though, which means that I don’t have to stress about it nearly as much as I am. But sometimes it feels like I am biting off more then I chew.
What if people don’t come? What if people come that didn’t RSVP? What if there isn’t enough food? Booze? Entertainment?
What if people drink too much and then fights break out?
What if I drink too much?
Well that last one isn’t too much of a drama, I shall be a good girl, but after all, it’s my party and I'll drink if I want to..
I am super excited though for both of them. What better way to celebrate the chaining yourself to another baked good for the rest of your earthly life and beyond then by drinking to excess with all of the family and friends whom you have lived and loved and wouldn’t have any other way.
I don’t even know if that makes sense.

Wow.. It’s harder to write 1,700 words then I first thought..
I’m tired.. I shall make up the lacking words later when I’m not on holidays..
Peace out!

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