Saturday, October 02, 2010

Primal Instincts.

I swore to myself when I started this thing this I wouldn’t find myself bad mouthing other people.
I would start writing about how much people piss me off and how annoying they are.
Blogs like that are a dime a dozen and, lets face it, bitchiness is an unattractive feature in any cupcake.
But this is one of those circumstances that I just can’t hold my silence.
Just to clarify here, my irritation isn’t directed at one particular person, more at a group of people and how something as simple as a choice they have made had lead them to go from fine, upstanding citizens (most of the time anyway) to insufferable pains in my side.
Who would have thought that for 6 months of the year that these people are mother, sons, teachers, students, doctors, lawyers (possibly the exception to the upstanding citizen rule), taxi drivers, daughters, plumbers, electricians, works, lovers, fighters doers..
But for the other six months of the year..
They are Collingwood supporters.
It is as though their decision to support the team with the black and white stripes turns them into completely different people.
I'm not entirely sure what it is or even whom to blame.
Eddie McGuire?
Or is Eddie simply a symptom of a problem so much worse?
All I know is that I have not met one, single hardcore Collingwood fan I like.
I find them to be loud, obnoxious, inconsiderate, insufferable and just generally hard to get along with.
Now don’t get confused here, I'm not talking about the people who just dabble in AFL and half-heartedly go "I should pick a team I guess.. Hmm I think I will follow the masses and support Collingwood"
Although sometimes those fans can be incredibly irritating, at least pick a team with fewer fans, THEY NEED YOU MORE!!
No, I'm talking about the hardcore ones..
The ones who can spell the Captains name backwards.
The ones who own a flag, a scarf and a jersey.
They ones who cry when Collingwood loses.
And the ones who cant bare to hear people say bad things about their team..
Mainly how irritating their fans are.
You all know the types of fans I am talking about.
Every football code has them, and every team has them.
Most of the time they are few and far between and knowledge of them can be pushed to the back of your mind in favour of the good fans who make you think that supporting football may not be such a bad thing after all.
But it’s as if Collingwood has produced them on mass.
Buy yourself a black and white flag, don a black and white jersey and you will find yourself travelling back through time when humans rely only on their basic instinct.
Support Collingwood.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this isn’t in response to the HUMILIATING defeat my team, St. Kilda, suffered at the hands of the Black and the White in the Grand Final.
It is something that has been playing on my mind for many years now.
It has just come to my realization today that I have the means to express my dissatisfaction.

Oh and it is a little bit because of the humiliating defeat...
Freaking Magpies..

1 comment:

  1. Oh god. I know what you mean.
    I caught the train home after TPAN on saturday and had to endure the theme song sung multiple times loudly and drunkenly. One guy was missing teeth and they were all drinking on the train.
    Them some smart arse starts "carn" ing other teams which resulted in the supporters getting angrily defenceive and horribly riled up.
    Thankfully smart arse got off the train before there was a punch on, but I did have to suffer through the song another four times...
