Monday, August 23, 2010

An Appointment.. One step closer to Doom

It really is amazing just how much one plans ahead.
I didn’t believe that I had thought overly much about the impending wedding and how I wanted it to look, to feel, to be...
But apparently, without even realising it, pieces of the puzzle have been falling into place.

Yesterday this Cupcake and her Muffin had an appointment.
It was one of those momentous occasions that every couple who plan on tying the proverbial knot have to endure.
One that I think most people find themselves dreading, no matter what they tell themselves.
It is an inevitability for a chained couple and something they just have to suck it up and deal with.
That’s right boys and girls, we went to visit a potential and 'talk' with their functions coordinator.
Now the word talk finds itself in inverted commas because, frankly, the coordinator and I chatted while Muffin sat there wishing he was somewhere else.
And not hiding it very well, the poor dear.

It was a very enlightening session and from the looks the woman kept giving me, I am apparently a lot more in touch with what I want then most women in my situation at the stage Muffin and I are at.
I know my colour theme, my cake, my centre pieces, the back up song I am going to walk down the aisle to if the Gingerbread Man and his band aren’t able to come up with one for me... This is our first preference...
OUR colour theme, OUR cake, OUR centre pieces, the back up song I am going to walk down the aisle to etc...
And I am more then willing to compromise.
I thought it would be cute, when celebrating the union of two baked goods, to decorate the table with live fish. The black googly eyed ones to be more specific.
But the Muffin doesn’t like the idea, so, rather graciously and humbly I might add, I let him have his way.
But in return I get sparkly diamantes on the table runners.
Give a little; get a little I always say!
(Mainly the reason is if the Muffin feels that he has these little victories, I am more likely to get the bigger things that I want)

I think one of the hardest things, when planning one's impending doom, is deciding on a place within which the doom shall be celebrated.
It has to suit the personality of the baked goods.
It has to be pretty, scenic, easily accessible and, most importantly, cheap.
Many trees donated their lives to our search.
Many brochures were printed; many more discarded as we crunched numbers and tried to find the perfect balance between locale, prettiness and costliness.
I feel that this location balances them, not perfectly, but more acceptably then many of the other places we have scouted.
Ideally, the perfect place would be free and we wouldn’t have to pay for anything at all and the food would be fantastic and everyone would be able to drink to their hearts content and it would just be brilliant!
Alas, that is how they do it in the fairytales.
Here in the real world, alcohol is expensive.

So here is the plan boys and girls, a month before the wedding, we are all going to jump on the wagon and become alcohol free.
Then all we have to provide and food and water.
Crust of bread should be fine shouldn’t it?


  1. ORRRRRRRRRR You could over the next year stock up on the alcoholic goodies when they are on special at your local. :) My sister was given that chance, She didn't take it. =____=;; I hope you take it.

  2. Nah, we cant take it.. coz we are having it at a Licensed venue, we cant BYO..
    Otherwise we probably would do something like that ~: Nodnod :~

  3. What no beer? The cak.... crusts of bread had better be awsome then.

    Mehh it's a bit of a late reply but I'm catching up on your posts today. You might find some more comments through you blog today... on weird times... cause I'm dutch.
