Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Well it has finally happened.
It was an inevitability and a long time coming.
Many would argue that it is a pretty standard unit of time that has passed, others would say that it has seemed like a lot longer then some.
I haven't quite decided which school of thought I am supportive of just yet.
Cupcake has aged.
The world has turned, the seasons have changed, day has become night and night has, undoubtably, shifted into day.

They shouted it from roof tops, printed it on the front page of newspapers, posted it on facebook and sent numerous text messages regarding it.
'Cupcake celebrates her birthday!'
It was a quiet affair, nothing to glitzy or glamourous..
Just 200 of my closes friends, relatives and acquaintances..
Obama showed up of course..
But I said to him 'now my birthday isn't that important. Surely there are other things that you would rather do on a Sunday?'
But he insisted.
It just wasn't a party until his holiness showed up though. Now there is a pope who knows how to party!!

In all honesty though, I had a fantastic day!
Breakfast with the Hen and Rooster, the delightful Lollipop, their Japanese exchange student, Muffin and, of course, the fantastic and utterly delicious Cookie, best mate to this cupcake and maid of my honour.
We had all you can eat breakfast buffet.
My tummy hurt afterwards.
I ate all that I could.

After that gathering, the In-Laws converged on the bakery and much shenanigans ensued.
Well actually, the converging happened on Saturday night, but who is counting.
There was much merrymaking, more eating, much meat cooking and a small fire.
So it was a successful start to what I hope will be a new tradition.
That of BBQ Sunday!
The rundown was this.
We got home.
We made foods.
We cooked foods.
People drank beer.
We ate foods.
We made merry!
It was a complete and utter pleasure!

So the earth resumes its constant trek around the sun.
The seasons keep changing.
Day, night..
You get the picture.
I'm just glad that from now on, I get to celebrate each time the Earth circumnavigates the Sun with my muffin..

- This opinion was formed on Cupcakes iPhone

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