Sunday, July 25, 2010

Procreation and its Byproducts

The topic of childbirth is a very ambiguous thing to find amongst conversation these days.
And honestly, who is surprised. It isn’t pretty, it isn’t charming, and it isn’t something I would want to talk about.
I know when this Cupcake and Muffin decide that perhaps we would want to procreate and have some hybrid baked goods, I am going to be pacing in the waiting room right alongside the Muffin as it is being born.
But no matter how much we try to avoid it, it is an inevitability.
Childbirth that is.

From the point of conception, otherwise known as the fun part, to the point when the spawn moves out to build a life and family of its own, otherwise known as the only other fun part, you have in your hands another human life that looks to you for advice, love, affection and most of all, money.
You have to guide, teach and love the thing unconditionally and if they fuck up, you have to teach them pick themselves up, accept the consequences, sometimes dealt out by the parental, and move on with life, hoping that they have learnt a valuable lesson and wont make the same foolish mistakes again.
Some parentals aren’t that lucky from what I have seen in my years.

Now let me clear one thing up after all of this musing of procreating. No, I am not up the duff.
No there won’t be any miniaturised baked good scurrying about in the near future and no we are not considering it until my stipulations are met.
Those being:
A. we have a puppy. (After all if we can’t afford a puppy how can we afford a child?)
B. We are married. (It's one of the few traditions I have insisted on holding on to... Although I can’t for the life of me figure out why.)
So just to clarify, Cupcake is not pregnant.

My musings on procreation and its by-products has brought me to another train of thought.
That of ex lovers.
Two subjects that are more interconnected then most people give credit. The two, in fact, go hand in hand on more occasions then is generally proper.
If you had a lover and things fell apart. Is it necessary to go back for another taste? Is it proper to continue on with a carnal relationship regardless of whether or not feelings that were once involved have soured and become something akin to pity or, heaven forbid, hate?
Can there still be chemistry after you have been together so completely emotionally, mentally and all other things that come with a relationship?
Let's be honest with ourselves, we have all been there at some point or another.
Maybe one of you didn’t want to let go; maybe you were holding on to something that once was, a memory, a feeling, an emotion; maybe they were just crazy good in the sack.
Either way, you have to wonder whether or not the whole situation is worth the headache.
What if a child was born of such a tryst?
What can that child expect?
What if the mother, or father, whoever maintains custody, loses their temper and announces to the spawn that they were an accident.
They whole situation is a little bit sticky and has great potential to end up as a drama worthy of Neighbours.

Ok, so not the most blithe of subjects for a blog, but one that I has been playing on my mind for the past couple of days.
I can’t imagine why...

Up next, the joys of guest lists; Engagement Cards, fact or fiction; Picking a Receptions Venue in all its glory; and Hurdles faced by cupcakes getting married.

1 comment:

  1. The accident thing - huge hurting to any child.... But then the people who have accidents trying to fix a relationship are already -- not in a right place for themselves...
