Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Life to date..

So it has been brought to my attention that it has been a while since my last post (thanks Hen!)
Did you guys miss me? Did you notice I was gone? Did you cry yourself to sleep at night wondering why I had forsaken you and the world in general with my lack of posting?
Did you-
Ok, I'm going to stop myself there, I'm having trouble keeping a straight face. It’s hard to write a deeply serious blog when one is grinning like an idiot.
I have also realised that I uttered a blatant lie in my previous post. For that I am almost sorry. I said I would make a post a day for the entire month of November.
Must say I love how that turned out.

Wow the last month of my life has been busy.
Between work, life, wedding plans, Muffin, creampuff and work, I haven’t had much time to scratch my... back.. let alone write to you to keep you updated with the progress of planning my wedding.
What a month it has been.
Lets see..
The first week this little Cupcake and her Muffin jet-setted away. Up to tropical Queensland to explore all that it had to offer.
No need to mention that we already live in Queensland.. And what it has to offer is pretty much the same all year round..
Shut up..
Anyway, we went on holidays up to mid-ish Queensland to visit Muffin's brother and his girlfriend, Carrot Cake and his Cinnamon Swirl. It was the furthest north either of us has been in this fair country of ours.
It was hot.
It was muggy.
It was rainy.
It was also amazingly pretty. I don’t know what it was about the place, maybe because we had to drive 8 hours to get there, but it just seemed to be so much more exotic then the Gold Coast.
Who woulda thunk it.
So that was a marvellous holiday for the both of us. We explored, we drank, we hung out, we drank, we got rained on, we drank..
All in all, a success..

But you guys don’t want to hear about our holidays, you want to hear the juicy goss about the wedding planning.
I have to say, this whole planning thing..
I can’t seem to decide if it is incredibly easy or incredibly hard.
I wonder sometimes if things are happening TO easily for me and if I should be worried about the repercussions of things just falling into place.
Ok, I think I am sounding a bit neurotic now.
But here’s the thing.
In the space of one week I managed to pick my flowers, arrange the wedding car, pick out the wedding bands and sort out our photographer.
That being said, I think I am going to have to owe a few wonderful people some favours once the day is done, but I am ok with that.
I have heard that things can be hard to book, hard to find exactly what you want or hard to lock into place.
But I haven’t had any problems at all.

The car was simple.
Hen has some friends with this absolutely sexy hot rod. I asked if we could use that and they said yes, god bless em.
And naturally, if one owns a hot rod, one isn’t likely to let just anyone drive it, so the driver comes included in the deal.
So that's that sorted.

The photographer was just as easy.
I used to work in a photo lab, a million years ago before I decided graphic design was my calling (a way to pass me time) and so I asked one of the chicks who used to manage the store. She really does take some super nice photos and I feel better having someone that I know..
Plus it means I can edit the photos myself and being the control freak of a Cupcake that I am, that is right up my alley.

Cookie and I got up ridiculously early one morning, got in the car and drove up to the Brisbane Flower Markets.
45 minutes and $60 later, we had picked out the absolute perfect flowers to have in the bouquet.
And let me tell you..
If EVER you get a chance to go to a flower market, DO!!
The one in Brisbane isn’t massive, but my gods was it just amazing! $60 got me soooooo many flowers! it was just nuts!
For a week our house was so super perky happy..
I love flowers..
Nothing is better then a happy Cupcake with flowers!

The wedding bands were a bit of a different story.
I swear to gods, I am so amazingly grateful that we only every have to buy ONE ring for the groom.
We must have walked around the shopping centre for about four hours and Muffin must have tried on every single male wedding band in every single jewellery store in the damn place.
He decided that he wanted it to have a diamond in it.
One diamond.
He wouldn’t even consider getting one that he really likes coz it had three diamonds in it.
He didn’t like 90% of the rings with one diamond in them because they had a line that went all of the way around. Or they were too thick. Or the inside of the ring wasn’t absolutely perfect.
Ok Cupcake, calm down.. Deep breaths..
We only have to do it once.
Eventually he settled on a titanium ring that was nice and simplistic. It didn’t have a diamond in it but he left it with the store to call the manufacturer and ask if we can get it made with one in it.
We couldn’t.
Enter my mate The Jeweller.
I swear to gods if I were single this man would be my favourite man on the planet!
I gave him a call, explained the situation and asked if we bought the simple titanium ring, would he be able to put the diamond in it for us.
This wonderful, wonderful man said yes!!
It makes me so happy!!
Did I mention that favours I will owe people after the wedding?
So after four hours of trying on rings, more hours of debate, many phone calls and even more sucking up, we finally have his wedding band sorted.

I tried on about 5 rings and picked out the first one.
And it was 40% off..

After all of this organisation, I have come to the conclusion that weddings are ridiculously expensive, but if you know the right people, the are remarkably less so.
I find myself breathing a little easier in the knowledge that I don’t think we are going to blow our budget.

The lesson to be learnt here, boys and girls, is don’t be afraid to owe people favours, you can simply deny it all when they try to collect.

Either that or being tight isn’t always a bad thing, it means you get in contact with people you only talk to on Facebook..

Or I think I should talk to people I know more in real life and not on Facebook..

It was possibly always make friends with jewellers.. You never know when you will need one..

You can pick whichever suits you.

Peace out!

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